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Sarah's Passion Page 3
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Page 3
“It did…and he lives right next door to me now.”
Marie’s crinkled brow now arched. “What do you mean?”
Sarah moved her chair up to her desk and leaned on her elbows. “Promise you won’t judge me before I go on.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die, Girl Scout’s honor, and my hand to the Bible.” Marie made an x across her chest, held up two fingers and flattened her palm against the make-believe Good Book on the desk. “Do you trust me now, or do I need to slice my finger and swear in blood?”
Sarah sagged in her chair, leaned her head against the back and stared at the ceiling. “I’m dying here and you’re making jokes.”
“Okayyyy, I’ll stop. So tell me already. What happened?”
Massaging her brow, Sarah took a deep breath. “I wasn’t kidding about the dream. I lived an entirely different life in one night. Oh, my name was the same, but I lived in the old west, joined a wagon train, survived a massacre, got bit by a snake, saved by a handsome half-breed, and traveled with him to Independence where I met his friend Maggie Smith, got a teaching job, and decided Wolf--”
“Wolf? You had a pet, too?”
Sarah jerked upright. “Stop with the stupid jokes, would you? Wolf is short for Grey Wolf, although the white world knew him as Nathaniel Elder. His white father married a Lakota Sioux woman, and Wolf spent the majority of his time living as an Indian after his folks died.”
Marie blew a puff of air through pursed lips. “Good grief, Sarah, you’re giving me a headache. No wonder you’re so upset. Let me see if I got this straight. You think you were a pioneer woman who should have died at the hands of Indians but didn’t, got saved by a half-Indian, and now you believe he lives next door to you?”
“That about sums it up.” Sarah inhaled and waited for Marie’s reaction.
“Holy cow, girl, I can tell by the look on your face you aren’t kidding around, but you can’t honestly believe all that happened to you.”
Sarah released her pent up breath. “My brain tells me there’s no way it happened, but seeing two faces straight from the dream… How did I recognize them and know their names before they even introduced themselves?”
“They? Who else besides this Coyote or Fox guy?”
“Wolf, you idiot. His name is Wolf, and he’s sharing the apartment next door to mine with his sister, Molly. I recognized her immediately.”
“And she was his sister in the dream?” Confusion clouded Marie’s eyes.
“No. I met Molly on the wagon train, and even though I tried to save her, she died long before I encountered Wolf. As far as I know, they had no connection whatsoever in the dream.”
“So, as far as the dream, they shouldn’t even know one another?” Her friend shook her head. “Boy, figuring out the lineup is harder than doing the New York Times Sunday crossword.”
“I warned you.”
“Tell me, have they acted like they recognize you or mentioned meeting your previously?”
Sarah lowered her head and massaged the bridge of her nose. “No! That‘s what‘s so frustrating. Neither Wolf nor Molly have even hinted that I resemble someone they know or knew.”
Marie sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and shook her head, then looked forlornly at Sarah. “I don’t know what to say. I’d like to believe you, but the whole thing is so remarkable.” She leaned on the desk. “I’ve heard say that what you eat before bed can influence your dreams, girl, what did you have for dinner that night?”
Sarah straightened. “Please don’t joke, Marie. I’m going crazy…not so much because of the dream itself, but because I love Wolf. I already lost him once, and I don’t aim to lose him again.”
“You lost him? How?”
“Yes, we both decided our love had no chance whatsoever because of our differences. The saying, ‘the only good Indian is a dead Indian’ originated for a reason. White and red men couldn’t exist together, and Wolf loved me too much to put me through the agony of prejudice and hatred.”
“Okay, so you lost him in the dream, but he’s here now. Just turn on the charm and win him back.”
Fisting her hands, Sarah heaved a sigh. “If only it was that easy. Do you recall me mentioning my neighbor, Peg Scott?”
“The curvy babe that always looks like a million bucks?”
“That’s the one. She’s already baked brownies and got herself invited to the weekly dinner I initiated. I’m afraid I pale in comparison to her. Wolf already seems smitten.”
Mr. Crane appeared in the doorway, flashing his usual scowl. “Ladies, looks like some serious discussion going on in here. I hope it’s work related.”
Sarah straightened in her chair. “Oh, yes Mr. Crane, of course it is. I’m using Marie as a sounding board for some plot points. Some parts of my current story don’t seem to make sense.”
She hadn’t lied. Nothing about her story was believable; of course the boss didn’t need to know she wasn’t referring to a manuscript someone else had written.
“Very well then, carry on.” Mr. Crane disappeared from sight, although the clicking of his heels warned the next unsuspecting employee of his pending arrival.
“Nice save,” Marie said. “If you can think that fast, then you should be able to outsmart some bimbo trying to steal your man.”
“But he doesn’t even know he is my man.” Welling tears blurred Sarah’s image of her friend.
Marie stood, leaned forward and planted her palms flat against the desk. “Then I suggest you use your womanly wiles on him. You know, Peg is going to dress sexier than hell to grab his attention, so find something a little lower cut, a little tighter, and use the gifts God gave you.”
Sarah fixed a stare on Marie. “Are you suggesting I…?”
“Yep, I sure am. You have a nice figure…use it. That Scott woman doesn’t have a thing on you, except that you don’t believe in yourself.” Snatching her cup from the desk, Marie flashed a wink and left.
Sarah stared down at her chest and tugged at the high-buttoned blouse she wore. Her boobs were bigger than Peg’s, and she did have curves in the right places. If that man-stealing bitch wanted Wolf, she was going to have to work darn hard to get him.
Chapter Four
Sarah, her legs curled alongside her body, rested her elbow on the sofa’s armrest. Her chin propped on her knuckled hand, she tried to summon an effective way to combat Peg for Wolf’s attention. Tonight, their first shared dinner experience definitely wouldn’t provide the alone time she needed. There had to be another solution. In fact, she already dreaded watching Peg bat her lashes and hang on Wolf’s every word at their Saturday soiree.
A soft October rain shower pinged against the window, and gray clouds shrouded the outside view. The weather had turned crisp, warning of winter’s approach. The trees in the nearby park wore fall’s remaining colorful coat, and even the ground had become a carpet of red, oranges and browns. The mental picture gave Sarah the perfect option--a Halloween party.
Ever since her talk with Marie, Sarah had tossed about the idea of being as open as Peg in her advances toward Wolf, but truth be told, that wasn’t Sarah’s style. She wasn’t as bold and brassy, and even though she considered herself pretty, she lacked the confidence Peg had in abundance. A party atmosphere, while disguised in costume, might be the only way Sarah could act out her inhibited desires without being hampered by shyness.
Any resident could reserve the special event’s room, and with a full kitchen and plenty of space, it offered the perfect location. Before she changed her mind, she picked up the phone and dialed the building supervisor. With little effort on her part, the date was firm. Since Halloween fell on a weekday, she’d have her party the weekend before. It was her Saturday for dinner, and she’d sacrifice the intimacy for something bigger and better…and hopefully more productive.
She grabbed her keys and shouldered her purse. Still early, she had plenty of time to dash out and buy invitations. Already, a list of invitees rattled aro
und in her brain.
* * *
Sarah arrived a tad early for dinner. Molly answered the door dressed in a blue jumpsuit, looking quite different than the young woman in Sarah’s dream. She motioned Sarah inside. “C’mon in. Dinner won’t be ready for a bit. I had to send Nate out for lettuce. I totally forget to get a head when I went grocery shopping. He grumbled all the way out the door, but I got him to go.” She laughed.
Hearing Molly refer to him as Nate sounded strange, but Sarah remembered back to all the times Wolf had taken charge of cooking on the trail. Had it not been for him and his survival skills, surely she would have died of starvation if not from the snakebite. Her heart warmed with memories of the man who held the strings to her heart, even though he indicated no recollection of her beyond their recent meeting at her front door.
“So, I understand we’re having a fourth person join us tonight.” Molly’s voice interrupted Sarah’s reverie.
“Oh, yes, Peg is coming. She lives directly across the hall from you guys.”
“It’ll be nice to meet her.” Molly busied herself cutting vegetables.
Sarah tried not to roll her eyes or draw her mouth into a smirk. Their neighbor struck Sarah as a relative to the snake that’d hid in the grass, leapt up and driven venomous fangs into her leg. Sadly, Peg’s “fangs” were aimed at Wolf…but Sarah intended to have the antidote in hand. ‘Once bitten, twice shy’, seemed a most appropriate saying in this case. She’d learned plenty of clichés from Marie. The woman spouted them with the same frequency that Old Faithful shot water into the air.
Remembering her manners, Sarah swiveled on the sofa. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Molly shook her head. “No, everything is ready except the salad, and I expect Nate will be here any minute with the last ingredient.” She smiled.
Voices sounded in the hallway. The door opened, and Peg sashayed inside, followed by Wolf. Sarah’s blood immediately ran cold, viewing the vixen in her low-cut black top and matching pants that look as if they’d been sprayed on. Peg’s gaze remained glued to Wolf’s face, and her continual giggle became annoying.
“Here’s the lettuce, Sis.” He thrust a plastic bag at her and immediately turned to the cabinet and began removing wine glasses. “Cabernet everyone?”
“I’d love some,” Peg purred.
Sarah stood and walked to the kitchen area. “Me, too, please.” She hoped to draw Wolf’s attention away from Peg, but he handed Sarah her glass with his focus clearly on the other woman.
Sarah sipped from the crystal goblet and slunk back to the sofa, realizing the bitterness in her mouth had nothing to do with the wine’s taste.
* * *
Sarah sat at the table, filled out the last invitation and sealed it inside its envelope. Her jealousy over Peg’s attraction to Wolf festered inside. Last night, Molly had prepared a wonderful Mexican casserole, but having Peg there had stolen the ambiance from the evening. Wolf had been Sarah’s man before, and he would again. This party had to be the answer to driving a wedge between the duo before they became too attached to one another.
She’d found the perfect summons to the party--one that stressed costumes were mandatory, and now she’d finished the first step in her plan. Besides inviting co-workers, she’d thrown out a welcome to almost everyone she knew in the building. After having lived there for several years, that was pretty much everyone. She pulled up her leg, rested her foot on the kitchen chair’s edge and hugged her knee. Now she had only to decide what costume she wanted to wear. Something daring, bold, and most of all, sexy, yet a disguise that hid her true identity.
The costume shop on Ninth Avenue, fairly close to work, would be a good place to start. Since most places were closed on Sunday, she’d have to wait until Monday. She’d run over to the store during her lunch hour. This ‘take no prisoners’ seed Marie had planted in her mind was already starting to sprout.
* * *
Sarah’s head swam, considering all the costume options. The crowded racks barely left room for anyone to walk, let alone take in the full effect of the disguises. Full-face masks and wigs in all colors hung on the left wall, while half-masks, feathers boas, and other items compatible to one’s choice hung on the right. She ticked through the hangers, looking for just the right outfit, but having no idea at all of what she sought. Maybe this was what it felt like to look for a needle in a haystack.
What she needed: something sexy, revealing, yet classy and mysterious. No way could she wear a rubber or plastic mask the entire night, but perhaps a half mask of some sort, decorated with feathers and in a complimentary color would do. Now all she needed was the rest of the costume. Her contented chuckle caused a few other shoppers to stare at her. Sarah lowered her chin, intent on her search.
Moving from one rack to another, she found the super-hero collection, specifically Wonder Woman. Aha, revealing, sexy, and possibly what she sought. The star-covered, blue bottom and the red bustier with gold strips piqued her attention. A matching gold headband, wide with a single red star in the center, hung in an attached plastic bag. In another: a long dark wig and a pair of gold bracelets. A note attached to the costume’s bodice advised seeing the clerk about the accompanying boots. With several duplicates on the rack, Sarah picked the size she deemed appropriate and moved to the fitting room.
Shedding her clothes, she pulled on the costume. It fit perfectly. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Sarah’s cheeks reddened at baring so much skin. Her breasts bulged over the bustier, and the high cut of the panties revealed a few stray pubic hairs. But, nothing a little trim couldn’t fix.
Could she actually flit about a room filled with her friends and neighbors in something so scanty? Wolf’s handsome face flashed in her mind. Hell, to capture his attention, if she could rent a horse, she’d be willing to ride through the hallway as Lady Godiva. Wonder Woman was the next best choice.
Before she changed her mind, Sarah carried the items to the counter. “I’d like to rent this please.” She pointed to a red half-mask. “I’d like that too, and about the boots…do you have them in size seven?”
The balding clerk fixed her with a lustful stare that made her skin crawl. Thankfully, she wasn‘t alone in the store. He leaned on the counter, his bad breath assailing her nose. “They aren’t actually a full boot, rather coverings you wear around your shins. You’ll need red shoes to complete the look.” He dropped one eyelid in a wink then turned and retrieved the mask. He looked her up and down as much as the cramped space allowed. “I’d pay to see you in this get up.”
She ignored his inappropriate behavior, bothered more by the pang of disappointment that shot through her. “Shoot, I don’t have red shoes.”
Obviously realizing he stood a snowball‘s chance in hell at attracting her, he suddenly moved to the cash register and adopted a straighter, more dignified stance. “Might I suggest you try the Goodwill, Salvation Army, or another used clothing store?” Even his tone changed to one more appropriate for a salesclerk.
“Great idea. I’ll do that.” Sarah paid for and signed the rental agreement, took the bag holding her costume and left. A glance at her watch showed she didn’t have enough time left of her lunch break to do further shopping, so she’d have to wait until tomorrow. The break would give her time to check the directory for her nearest options. With fingers crossed, she made her way back to the office, hoping to find the matching red shoes she needed. She planned to keep her costume secret from even Marie. Sarah planned to be a standout at her own party.
Picturing Wolf’s reaction to her disguise, she couldn’t hide her blossoming smile. Evidently, he didn’t remember her in the role of a pioneer, but he was bound to remember her as Wonder Woman.
* * *
Sarah spread her costume across the bed and placed her red shoes on the floor, trying to visualize how the leggings would transform them into boots. Luckily, she’d found the proper footwear at the Salvation Army. She’d hoped for a pair of red boots
, but, realistically, how many people wore them? The idea of wearing shoes and not knowing whose feet had previously been in them had shuddered through her, despite using socks, when she tried the flats on. Since bringing them home, she’d washed the insides so thoroughly with an anti-bacterial-doused cloth, no germs could survive. Buying used apparel always gave her the heebie jeebies--not because she felt superior, but because of a childhood spent in thrift-store wear. She supposed those inferior feelings had something to do with her adult take on life and confidence.
Anticipation over the pending party tingled through her, and with invitations out, the RSVPs were starting to come in. In two weeks, she’d be putting “operation win Wolf back” into play.
Standing back, she eyed her choice of disguise. Her thoughts drifted back to the clothing she’d worn in the dream, and how shocked she’d been when Wolf awoke and found her clad only in her chemise after her bath. Then, having him remind her that he’d cared for her while she healed from the snakebite indicated he’d seen even more than she imagined. Now she contemplated displaying her feminine wares again. Oh, well, if that’s what it took to snag his interest, then she was game. Despite her wanton attitude, her cheeks heated at the thought…until Peg’s flirty face flashed in Sarah’s mind, wiping out any concerns about the skimpiness of the outfit. Determination replaced vanity.
* * *
“Oh, come on. Tell me what you’re going as.” Marie begged for at least the tenth time. “I’ll tell you what I’m wearing.”
“No!” Sarah stood firm. I want it to be a surprise. “Besides, you’d better get back to your own office and get to work before Mr. Crane happens by.”
“Aw, not even a hint?”
“All I’ll tell you is that it’s totally out of character for me, and I took your advice and went with sexy. Now scat before you get us both fired.”